Friday, May 31, 2019

Free Blogger Template : Rabbit in Love

Rabbit in Love
"I always knew that love would come find me someday,
but never did I know that it would be you who was headed my way."
Title : Rabbit in Love
Year : 2019
Author : Template Etha
Creator : Rismars Ruth Maretha
Description : Rabbit in Love is a free blogger template with menu bar, drop down menu that you can edit, cute and girly design. Excellent blogger template to write about your life, daily activities, diary or poems.

How to edit your Drop Down Menu :
  1. Go to Template Page
  2. Edit Html
  3. Ctrl+F and find "Edit Drop Down Menu"
  4. Replace "#" marks with real Url
  5. Change anchor Texts as you like
  6. Save Template
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